Spotlight: Policy & Stakeholder Dialogue

The Impacted are the Experts: Upgrading Chemicals Science-Policy with Knowledge and Perspectives of Youth and Local Communities


Session 6 was on "The Impacted are the Experts: Upgrading Chemicals Science-Policy with Knowledge and Perspectives of Youth and Local Communities" and explored the challenges and opportunities associated with youth and community engagement in chemicals and waste policymaking, including issues related to capacity-building, data collection, and communication. The session was moderated by Shannon Lisa.

The session was joined by Ulises Bobadilla y Jiménez (Regional Focal Point - Latin America & the Caribbean at the Chemicals and Waste Youth Platform - MGCY), Dr. Aline Villarreal (National Autonomous University of Mexico), José Caetano (University of Porto), Ola Alhaj (Regional Focal Point for the Middle East and North Africa at the Chemicals and Waste Youth Platform, RECO Environmental Project), Selma Bichbich (MENA Youth Network, Together for Blue and Green), and Eunice Njau (Mombasa Youth Assembly).

The session showcased examples of successful initiatives that have incorporated youth and community perspectives into the chemicals science-policy interface, and identified key lessons and best practices that can be replicated in other contexts. Ultimately, the goal was to promote a more inclusive and equitable approach to chemicals science and policy, one that recognizes the importance of engaging all stakeholders, including youth and local communities.

Lessons from this session will feed into the development of the Global Youth Declaration on Chemicals and Waste and its corresponding policy paper to be launched at the Strategic Approach to International Chemicals Management (SAICM) Fifth International Conference for Chemicals Management (ICCM5) in September 2023 in Bonn, Germany.

Recorded Live Session

The Speakers:

Ola Alhaj
Selma Bichbich
Ulises Bobadilla y Jiménez
Ulises Bobadilla y Jiménez
Regional Focal Point
José Caetano
PhD Candidate
Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto
Eunice Njau
Shannon Lisa

Further Session Recaps

From EBIT 2 SEBIT – How to incorporate the planetary boundaries into chemistry business

Session 1: From EBIT 2 SEBIT – How to incorporate the planetary boundaries into chemistry business

Sustainability and the Event Industry: A Call to Action

Session 2: Sustainability and the Event Industry: A Call to Action

International Perspectives on SSbD

Session 3: International Perspectives on SSbD

Interactive workshop for national stakeholders

Session 4: Interactive workshop for national stakeholders

Exploring Pathways towards a Sustainable and Climate-Friendly Chemical Production

Session 5: Exploring Pathways towards a Sustainable and Climate-Friendly Chemical Production

John Warner. Green Chemistry: Inventing a Circular Economy across organisations and industries

Session 7: John Warner. Green Chemistry: Inventing a Circular Economy across organisations and industries