Corporate Challenge

Corporate Challenge

Industry Calls for Start-ups

The ISC3 Corporate Challenge’s goal is to find solutions for specific industry problems and promote innovation and collaboration among changemakers in the field of Sustainable Chemistry.
For this, the ISC3 cooperates with a partner from industry that is looking to improve their sustainability performance by enhancing a part of their value chain. The industry partner selects a topic, chooses a prize and, eventually, selects the winner.

The ISC3 provides the infrastructure for the challenge, prepares the call and reaches out to its global network to provide solutions. Then, our experts will pre-evaluate the solutions provided by the participants.

a stilised scene of an innovative setting with people and renewable energy as well as icons showing innovation and community

The second ISC3 Corporate Challenge - Call for Partners

The ISC3 Innovation Hub is looking for an Industry partner to launch a second ISC3 Corporate Challenge on Sustainable Chemistry!
Is your company looking to improve its sustainability performance with innovative solutions?
Do you want to contribute to a more sustainable future and solve complex challenges the industry faces?

For more information, please consult our Call for Partners


First Corporate Challenge

If you want to know more about the First Corporate Challenge, please check out the press release regarding the Call for Applications for the ISC3 and Otto Krahn New Business Corporate Challenge 2022