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ISC3 Global Start-up Service: On-boarding Questionnaire


Dear Innovator,

this On-boarding Questionnaire is your first step to access the ISC3 Global Start-up Service (GSS). It consists of 19 questions and will grant you access to the first GSS support level, the General Support, which includes services such as access to the ISC3 Online Library and to the Global Start-up Service LinkedIn Group. In addition, the questionnaire seeks to help you self-evaluate your innovation and provide insights on essential factors that need to be considered when advancing new solutions under the framework of Sustainable Chemistry.
After receiving your questionnaire, we will scan through it and get back to you with more information on the General Support as well as further GSS support levels offering services such as pitch and matchmaking events, coaching and help in access to funding. Your answers will be used for the internal ISC3 purposes only and will not be published.


Background note

For us, Sustainable Chemistry is a holistic approach addressing all aspects of sustainability. It is a broad, cross-industry area that is not only limited to chemical production and sustainable chemicals/materials and products, but also includes services, the use of chemicals and materials in downstream sectors (e.g. textiles, agriculture, building & construction), reuse and recycling options etc., with the goal of achieving more sustainable solutions. Sustainable Chemistry needs the commitment of all stakeholders and sectors using ordealing with chemicals.

Sustainable Chemistry needs your commitment - Thank you for taking the time to fill in this form!